Monday, July 6, 2015

Article Review #10: Teacher Development Research Review: Keys to Educator Success

Vega, Vanessa (2013).  Teacher development research review: Keys to educator success.  Retrieved from:

      There is no doubt that teachers are at the center of improving student learning.  Vega (2013) reviews current research in effective teacher development and details best practices used for ensuring educator growth and success.  
      The first best practice Vega indicates is effective administrator and teacher leadership.  She asserts that great administrators focus on developing teachers’ capacities rather than their limitations, and she recognizes that accomplished teachers are most knowledgeable about student learning and are ideal for leading professional development opportunities.  I agree with Vega’s point here in that experienced teachers do come with a wealth of experience and educational tools; however, novice teachers also have much to offer in what is “cutting edge” in education, especially in the area of technology.  Vega also highlights the necessity of a highly-effective teacher management system that supports quality growth in teaching.  This brings about a relevant question - what does a fair teacher evaluation system look like for both non-tenured and tenured teachers, especially if the ultimate goals is growth in teaching?
       The next best practice Vega presents is job-embedded professional development.  She identifies the following elements to be critical in the implementation of professional development programs: collaborative learning, links between curriculum and assessment, active learning, deeper knowledge of content and how to teach it, and sustained learning over multiple days and weeks (as opposed to the one-shot or fragmented workshop approach).  I also believe that professional development needs to be differentiated, just like we differentiate as teachers for our students.  This is important because it will allow us to improve our weaknesses and build upon our strengths as educators.
       Professional learning communities is the last best practice Vega recognizes to support educator development.  Vega indicates that PLCs are one step beyond professional development in that they provide teachers with not just skills to improve their teaching but an ongoing community that values each teacher’s experiences.  She presents four key characteristics of effective PLCs: successful collaboration, focus on student learning, continuous teacher learning, and teacher authority.  When I reflect on the PLCs that I am a part of, two in particular stick out to me – my grade level team and the mentor program in my district.  In both cases, I feel that not only am I helping or supporting the professional(s) in the PLC, but I am also continually learning from them.  That is ultimately what being a teacher is about – constantly growing as a learner of teaching.

Article Review #9: What Is Successful Technology Integration?

What is successful technology integration? (2007).  Edutopia.  Retrieved from:      

     The article, What is Successful Technology Integration?, defines technology integration as “when students are not only using technology daily, but have access to a variety of tools that match the task at hand and provide them the opportunity to build a deeper understanding of content.”  According to the article, technology integration also includes being open to change as it is constantly evolving, and so we, as educators, must constantly be learning.
     The article then proceeds to highlight several types of technology integration, or ways technology can become part of the learning process: on-line learning and blended classrooms, many project-based activities, game-based learning and assessment, learning with mobile devices, instructional tools like interactive whiteboards and student response systems, web-based research and projects, students created media like podcasts and videos, collaborative on-line tools such as Google Drive, and using social media to engage students.  As I reflect on these types of technology integration, many of these are the trends we have been discussing in class.
     The article finally addresses two frameworks for technology integration, SAMR and TPACK; and it defines the levels of technology integration as sparse, basic, comfortable, and seamless. 

     I believe the 21st century learner is doing more with technology than ever.  I look at the technology integration trends above, and I realize how important the need is for educators to stay current with technology as we navigate this ever-changing world.  If it hasn’t already, this will become a mark of an exceptional teacher. 
     As we move to 1:1 technology integration in my district, I can’t help but think about how the roles of the teacher and students are shifting.  Believe me, I strongly support that a teacher and her students are what is central to the classroom.  However, as students take on the roles of explorer and discover with technology, the teacher’s role will become one of a coach or facilitator.  That can be a challenging role for a teacher to take on, especially when she is not accustomed to it.  In today’s educational system, teachers have a lot at stake, and allowing the students to lead themselves and make many of their own decisions with technology at their side can provide some worries.  But what remains is the need to prepare our students with the skills to be successful in the 21st century workforce.  Technology is indeed a tool educators can use to help make that process seamless.

Article Review #8: How to Choose the Right Learning Management System

Ash, K. (2013). How to choose the right learning management system.  Educational      
           Week, 6. Retrieved from:

     In the article How to Choose the Right Learning Management System, Ash (2013) has compiled suggestions, based on the research of various experts, to evaluate the different learning management systems available.  It is necessary to take the time to make the right decision because once an LMS is in place, changing it can be quite burdensome to teachers, students, and parents.
     Ash (2013) gives seven tips on how to choose and LMS that is a best-fit for a district:
1.      Start with determining what you want from your LMS and how it fits in the overall                    teaching and learning structure of your district;
2.      Include a mix of people in the decision making process;
3.      Play an active role when viewing and exploring LMS product demonstrations –    
         request to see functions work;
4.      Pilot the LMS;
5.      Talk to people from other school districts already using the LMS your evaluating;
6.      Evaluate the price of the product;
7.      Remember that this is a relationship that will continue for years so make sure the 
         company is a good fit and it is reputable.
Taking these seven suggestions into consideration, I can begin to reflect on how a cloud-based LMS, like Google Classroom, can impact my district and whether or not it seems to be a best-fit.

     When thinking about Google Classroom, I know that our wants as a district include the use of Google since we are moving to Chromebooks with 1:1 technology.  I also understand that there is a need to organize classrooms via assignments, grades, and learning materials that Classroom can offer while integrating other Google apps.  The decisions making process to go Google has been a long one, spanning 2-3 years by our district Technology Committee consisting of multiple teachers from each of the three schools in the district as well as a Technology Director.  I personally have yet to explore and use Google Classroom but know of several teachers in the district who have piloted it this past school year.  My goal is to become familiar with it to determine how it best fits my classroom as my students move to 1:1 this coming school year.  What is a definite positive about Google Classroom is that it is free; however, with the constant updates and changes that come with Google Drive, I am sure Classroom will have similar occurrences.  We, as teachers, just need to be open to and willing to “roll the punches,” so to speak.
     So is Google Classroom a good fit for District 13?  When taken all of the above suggestions into consideration, at the moment - yes.  But I am sure with the ever-changing world of technology, I will be re-evaluating this question in the years to come.